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When I left the Army (The greatest fighting force in history) I wasn't sure what  I wanted to do with my life.So I did damn near EVERYTHING! I became a boxer,mixed martial,personal trainer,amateur bodybuilder etc. I decided to make a change  when I realized those careers had expiration dates. I loved what I did but it was time to focus on what kind  of future I wanted to make.So I decided to return to the craft I explored before the Army. I decided to return to acting.I had done a ton of community theatre back then but never the screen. So I wanted to accept the challenge of getting on screen and making a name for myself.Along the way I also became a stuntman in order to use all my years of physical training and create more opportunities for myself.What an adventure it's been! I've been blessed to work with and meet some extraordinary people! And I'm just getting started!